Miami Vice

Episode 53

Baby Blues


Original air date: November 21, 1986

Filming for this episode was conducted from July 24 thru August 1, 1986.

The episode opens in San Cristobal, Colombia, where babies are being stolen away from their mothers. In reality this was filmed on location at the Armando Tapanes Farm, 15902 NW 122nd Avenue in Miami Florida. Thanks to Tom at who provided information on this and other locations in this episode. We see this area used again in episode 73 of Burn Notice, Better Halves.

Then we see the babies arriving by plane to a remote airfield in the United States. This was filmed just 2.5 miles away at Opa-locka West Airport. We have seen this location used previously in Back in The World, Smuggler’s Blues, and Stone’s War.

Then we see the standard season 3 opening montage (version 8).

Next, we see an exterior establishing shot of Cedars Hospital, NW 14th Street at Nw 12th Ave. We have seen the exterior used as an establishing shot previously in Cool Runnin’, Lombard, Bought and Paid For, and Shadow in The Dark.

Then we go inside the hospital. The interior scenes were filmed on set at Greenwich Studios.

Then we go inside the OCB. Also a set at the studio.

Then we see Crockett and Tubbs at the Columbian consulate. This was filmed on location at Wolfberg, Alvarez and Associates. 5960 SW 57th Avenue. Originally a Southern Bell building, we have also seen this location used in Burn Notice. In episode 24, Seek and Destroy. It is now the Miami Art Center.

Then we see an exterior establishing shot of the Atlantis Condo building. 2025 Brickell Avenue. We have seen this previously used in Hit List/Calderone’s Return and Trust Fund Pirates as well as the movie Scarface.

Then we see Bluto and Lee Harvey aka Stan and Larry inside Social Services. This was reportedly also filmed at 5960 SW 57th Avenue.

Then we return to the OCB (set) where the squad reviews the files.

Then we see Gina and Trudy hit the streets with the mother. They interview a mother at her front gate. Location unknown.

Then we see them visit Steven Demarco. This was filmed at 6301 Pine Tree Drive.

We then return to the OCB (set).

Next we go to a nice home where the Columbian mother finds her son but he has been adopted. This was filmed at 6001 SW 116th Street, Miami. We saw this house used before in The Fix where it was the Judge’s house.

Then we go to Famiglia’s office. This was also filmed at 5960 SW 57th Avenue.

Then we go back to Social services. Also at 5960 SW 57th Avenue.

Then we see Larry and Stan inside the surveillance van. Filming location unknown.

Then we go to the beach where Angela meets with Famiglia. This was filmed in Lummus Park on Miami Beach by 9th Street.

The Breakwater (left) and the Edison (right with exterior staircase) are seen in the background.

Then we return to the Demarco home at 6301 Pine Tree Drive. There Familglia has his message delivered.

Then we return to the OCB (set).

Next we see Crockett and Tubbs talk to Angela at Social Services. 5960 SW 57th Avenue.

Then we cut to the interior of a restaurant. This was filmed at the Waldorf Towers, 860 Ocean Drive, Miami Beach.

Then we see Famiglia driving southbound away from 9th Street on Ocean Drive. He stops south of the Waldorf Towers in front of 834 Ocean Drive.

Then we cut to Angela in her bedroom. In reality she is in the same house we saw used as the Kaplan’s house. 6001 SW 116th Street.

We then see Crockett and Tubbs arrive at the Waldorf Tower. They arrive from the south on Ocean Drive.

Then we go inside. However; we are no longer on Miami Beach. The interior was filmed at “the Judge’s house”, 6001 SW 116th Street, Miami.

We then see a brief exterior establishing shot of Gold Coast Shipping before going inside the OCB (studio set).

Then we see a nice shot looking south down Ocean Drive as Crockett and Tubbs arrive at the Waldorf Towers.

Then we return to the OCB where we learn prints found at Angela’s belong to Hector Borges.

We then see Crockett,Tubbs, Larry and Stan arrive at Borges apartment. Borges apartment was apartment 15/16 at 701 Meridian Avenue, Miami Beach.

They go inside and find Borges dead and the closet door tied to explosives. The explosion scene where Crockett and Tubbs dive thru the windows was not filmed at 701 Meridian Avenue but on set at Greenwich Studios.


Then we return to the OCB, studio set.

This leads us to the hospital. All the hospital scenes were filmed on set at the studio.

Intercut we see Famiglia watching the news. He is in his office at 5960 SW 57th Avenue. Then we see another exterior establishing shot of Cedars Hospital.

Then we go to 6001 Sw 116th Street for a tearful reunion/goodbye.

Photo above and below by Dan J.




Please click here to go to episode 54


As seen in Burn Notice:

Seek and Destroy

If you recognize any of the unknown locations or have something else to add, please let me know at:

If you recognize any of the unknown locations or have something else to add, please let me know at:

54 Streetwise